Customer Testimonials

“Whenever an emergency or scheduled maintenance job Hodgkiss Refrigeration always come through and deliver! With a fleet of our size and a workshop in constant need of either Air Conditioning repairs or electrical fitments, it is reassuring to know that Tony and Michelle have my back!! Thank you guys, always a pleasure dealing with you!!!”

AJ Erasmus, Workshop Manager. McCarthy Transport Contractors Ltd, February 2017

“We have had a long association with Tony and Michelle for over 20 years dealing with our refrigeration, air conditioning and electrical requirements. They have always been reliable, conscientious and a pleasure to deal with, we have no hesitation in recommending Hodgkiss Refrigeration to any clientele.”

Shane and Sonya Gray, GRAYS CONTRACTING LTD, February 2017

“In the cheese manufacturing business for 18 years, and having varied refrigeration requirements, we have been with Tony throughout that time, culminating in the very sensible step to go out on his own. Our refrigeration needs have often been at short notice and we have always found Tony to be professional, thorough, and very knowledgeable. We have enjoyed dealing with Tony and Michelle and find them both friendly and obliging. We have had no hesitation in recommending their business to several of our contacts.”

Miles & Janet King, Kingsmeade Cheese, January 2017

“As one of the leading building franchises in the Wairarapa, we at A1 Homes use Hodgkiss Refrigeration Ltd to supply and install all our client's air conditioning systems. From a simple back to back hi-wall, or a complete design & installed ducted system, Tony and his team provide us with a professional and friendly service along with a proven knowledge and expertise to install exactly what our clients are after.”

Paul & Jeanette Southey A1 Homes, Greytown, January 2017

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